EDA on Numerical Data#

%config InlineBackend.figure_format='retina'
import logging
from ekorpkit import eKonf

print("version:", eKonf.__version__)
print("is notebook?", eKonf.is_notebook())
print("is colab?", eKonf.is_colab())
print("evironment varialbles:")
version: 0.1.33+20.g8433774.dirty
is notebook? True
is colab? False
evironment varialbles:
{'EKORPKIT_CONFIG_DIR': '/workspace/projects/ekorpkit-book/config',
 'EKORPKIT_PROJECT': 'ekorpkit-book',
 'NUM_WORKERS': 230}
data_dir = "../data/fomc"

Load preprocessed data#

econ_data = eKonf.load_data("econ_data2.parquet", data_dir)
unscheduled forecast confcall speaker rate rate_change rate_decision rate_changed GDP GDP_diff_prev ... Rate Taylor Balanced Inertia Taylor-Rate Balanced-Rate Inertia-Rate Taylor_diff Balanced_diff Inertia_diff
2021-11-03 False False False Jerome Powell 0.25 0.00 0.0 0 19478.893 0.570948 ... 0.25 5.747177 4.940210 -0.528532 5.497177 4.690210 -0.778532 0.0 0.0 0.0
2021-12-15 False True False Jerome Powell 0.25 0.00 0.0 0 19478.893 0.570948 ... 0.25 6.472329 5.665362 -0.637304 6.222329 5.415362 -0.887304 0.0 0.0 0.0
2022-01-26 False False False Jerome Powell 0.25 0.00 0.0 0 19478.893 0.570948 ... 0.25 7.222928 6.415961 -0.749894 6.972928 6.165961 -0.999894 0.0 0.0 0.0
2022-03-16 False True False Jerome Powell 0.50 0.25 1.0 1 19806.290 1.680778 ... 0.25 8.499377 8.267766 -1.027665 8.249377 8.017766 -1.277665 0.0 0.0 0.0
2022-05-04 False False False Jerome Powell 1.00 0.50 1.0 1 19735.895 -0.355417 ... 0.50 8.094924 7.420939 -0.688141 7.594924 6.920939 -1.188141 0.0 0.0 0.0

5 rows × 58 columns

EDA on numerical data#

# Add previous rate decision to see inertia effect
econ_data["Rate Decision"] = econ_data["rate_decision"].map(
    lambda x: "Cut" if x <= -1 else "Hike" if x >= 1 else "Hold"
econ_data["rate_decision"] = econ_data["rate_decision"].map(
    lambda x: -1 if x <= -1 else 1 if x >= 1 else 0
econ_data["prev_decision"] = econ_data["rate_decision"].shift(1)
econ_data["next_decision"] = econ_data["rate_decision"].shift(-1)
econ_data[["Rate Decision", "rate_decision", "prev_decision", "next_decision"]].head()
Rate Decision rate_decision prev_decision next_decision
1982-10-05 Cut -1 NaN -1.0
1982-11-16 Cut -1 -1.0 0.0
1982-12-21 Hold 0 -1.0 0.0
1983-01-14 Hold 0 0.0 0.0
1983-01-21 Hold 0 0.0 0.0
rate rate_change rate_decision rate_changed GDP GDP_diff_prev GDP_diff_year GDPPOT GDPPOT_diff_prev GDPPOT_diff_year ... Balanced Inertia Taylor-Rate Balanced-Rate Inertia-Rate Taylor_diff Balanced_diff Inertia_diff prev_decision next_decision
count 415.000000 415.000000 415.000000 415.000000 415.000000 415.000000 415.000000 415.000000 415.000000 415.000000 ... 415.000000 415.000000 415.000000 415.000000 415.000000 415.000000 415.000000 415.000000 414.000000 414.000000
mean 3.968976 -0.019880 -0.012048 0.334940 12815.408884 0.657814 2.523898 13018.548855 0.643467 2.616803 ... 3.324700 2.893358 0.005563 -0.665962 -1.097304 0.002576 0.005238 -0.002322 -0.014493 -0.009662
std 3.036522 0.228714 0.579313 0.472539 3719.399375 1.085580 2.203739 3776.658124 0.185616 0.756947 ... 2.069550 2.373858 1.899151 2.141286 0.711029 0.058706 0.088255 0.026755 0.577867 0.577968
min 0.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 6804.139000 -8.937251 -9.083737 7271.207419 0.318708 1.303969 ... 0.000000 -1.027665 -4.920215 -8.061836 -2.699376 -0.400621 -0.400621 -0.425000 -1.000000 -1.000000
25% 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 9394.834000 0.426261 1.701703 9597.373675 0.475884 1.915027 ... 1.731034 0.561801 -1.470860 -1.661544 -1.567363 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
50% 4.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 13183.890000 0.678051 2.673107 13014.429940 0.642412 2.615226 ... 3.386536 2.788555 0.052807 -0.293935 -1.130361 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
75% 6.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 15781.342000 0.988107 3.908365 16227.234340 0.777802 3.150223 ... 4.723309 4.507101 1.361705 0.475418 -0.455663 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
max 11.500000 1.125000 1.000000 1.000000 19806.290000 7.547535 12.226677 20003.730000 1.058177 4.280368 ... 8.267766 8.901506 8.249377 8.017766 -0.037500 0.616857 1.233715 0.060093 1.000000 1.000000

8 rows × 46 columns

unscheduled      0
forecast         0
confcall         0
speaker          0
rate             0
Balanced_diff    0
Inertia_diff     0
Rate Decision    0
prev_decision    1
next_decision    1
Length: 61, dtype: int64

Plot rate decision count#

cfg = eKonf.compose("visualize/plot=countplot")
cfg.countplot.x = "Rate Decision"
cfg.figure.figsize = (10, 5)
cfg.ax.title = "Rate Decision Count"
eKonf.instantiate(cfg, data=econ_data)

Highly imbalanced to 0 (hold), so need to consider this point. Always predicting 0 (hold) will result in the accuracy of more than 60%.


corr_columns = [

corr_data = econ_data[corr_columns].astype(float).corr()
cfg = eKonf.compose("visualize/plot=heatmap")
cfg.figure.figsize = (20, 12)
cfg.heatmap.cmap = "YlGnBu"
cfg.heatmap.vmin = 0
cfg.heatmap.vmax = 1
cfg.heatmap.fmt = ".2f"
cfg.ax.title = "Correlation"
eKonf.instantiate(cfg, data=corr_data)

Observation on the correlation:

Higher correlation with Rate Decision:

  • ‘GDP_diff_year’

  • ‘Unemp_diff_prev’

  • ‘Employ_diff_prev’

  • ‘PMI’

  • ‘RSALES_diff_year’

  • ‘HSALES_diff_year’

  • ‘prev_decision’

Will create two dataset, one full set and the other smaller set with high correlation

Correlation between Taylor rule and actual rates#

corr_columns = ["Rate", "Taylor", "Balanced", "Inertia"]
corr_data1 = econ_data[corr_columns].astype(float).corr()
corr_columns = ["rate_change", "Taylor_diff", "Balanced_diff", "Inertia_diff"]
corr_data2 = econ_data[corr_columns].astype(float).corr()
cfg = eKonf.compose("visualize/plot=heatmap")
cfg.figure.figsize = (15, 6)
cfg.subplots.ncols = 2
cfg.subplots.nrows = 1
cfg.heatmap.axno = 0
cfg.heatmap.datano = 0
cfg.heatmap.cmap = "YlGnBu"
cfg.heatmap.vmin = 0
cfg.heatmap.vmax = 1
cfg.heatmap.fmt = ".2f"
cfg.ax.title = "Fed Rates"
cfg.ax.axno = 0
heatmap2 = cfg.heatmap.copy()
heatmap2.axno = 1
heatmap2.datano = 1
ax2 = cfg.ax.copy()
ax2.title = "Rage changes"
ax2.axno = 1
eKonf.instantiate(cfg, data=[corr_data1, corr_data2])
cfg = eKonf.compose("visualize/plot=lineplot")
cfg.figure.figsize = (15, 8)
cfg.lineplot.y = corr_columns

scatter_cfg = eKonf.compose("visualize/plot/scatterplot")
scatter_cfg.x = "date"
scatter_cfg.y = "rate"
scatter_cfg.hue = "rate_decision"
scatter_cfg.secondary_y = True

ax2 = cfg.ax.copy()
ax2.grid = False
ax2.secondary_y = True

eKonf.instantiate(cfg, data=econ_data)