Visualize Features#

%config InlineBackend.figure_format='retina'
from ekorpkit import eKonf

print("version:", eKonf.__version__)
print("is notebook?", eKonf.is_notebook())
print("is colab?", eKonf.is_colab())
print("evironment varialbles:")
INFO:ekorpkit.base:IPython version: (6, 9, 0), client: jupyter_client
INFO:ekorpkit.base:Google Colab not detected.
version: 0.1.35+0.g69734d6.dirty
is notebook? True
is colab? False
evironment varialbles:
 'EKORPKIT_CONFIG_DIR': '/workspace/projects/ekorpkit-book/config',
 'EKORPKIT_PROJECT': 'ekorpkit-book',
 'NUM_WORKERS': 230}
start_year = 1999
data_dir = "../data/fomc"

Build and load a feature set with tones#

econ_train_small = eKonf.load_data("econ_train_small.parquet", data_dir)
target prev_decision GDP_diff_prev PMI EMP_diff_prev RSALES_diff_year UNEMP_diff_prev HSALES_diff_year Inertia_diff Balanced_diff
1982-10-05 Cut 0.0 0.456199 38.8 -0.201426 2.094256 3.061224 42.307692 0.0 0.0
1982-11-16 Cut -1.0 -0.382299 39.4 -0.309476 2.094256 2.970297 34.831461 0.0 0.0
1982-12-21 Hold -1.0 -0.382299 39.2 -0.136097 2.094256 3.846154 45.026178 0.0 0.0
1983-01-14 Hold 0.0 -0.382299 42.8 -0.016895 2.094256 0.000000 14.004376 0.0 0.0
1983-01-21 Hold 0.0 -0.382299 42.8 -0.016895 2.094256 0.000000 14.004376 0.0 0.0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2021-11-03 Hold 0.0 0.570948 60.5 0.288624 8.474656 -9.615385 -26.135217 0.0 0.0
2021-12-15 Hold 0.0 0.570948 60.6 0.437147 10.977142 -8.695652 -11.163337 0.0 0.0
2022-01-26 Hold 0.0 0.570948 58.8 0.395555 9.101289 -7.142857 -3.673938 0.0 0.0
2022-03-16 Hike 0.0 1.680778 58.6 0.476814 9.076698 -5.000000 3.125000 0.0 0.0
2022-05-04 Hike 1.0 -0.355417 57.1 0.283658 -0.034915 0.000000 -26.946848 0.0 0.0

415 rows × 10 columns

cols = [
fomc_train_tones = econ_train_small.merge(
    merged_tone_data[cols], left_index=True, right_index=True
) = "date"
eKonf.save_data(fomc_train_tones, "fomc_train_tones.parquet", data_dir)
target prev_decision GDP_diff_prev PMI EMP_diff_prev RSALES_diff_year UNEMP_diff_prev HSALES_diff_year Inertia_diff Balanced_diff ... polarity_diffusion_statement finbert_diffusion_minutes finbert_diffusion_speech finbert_diffusion_statement t5_diffusion_minutes t5_diffusion_speech t5_diffusion_statement lm_tones finbert_tones t5_tones
1999-02-03 Hold 0.0 1.616191 46.8 0.286880 4.952373 0.000000 19.672131 0.0 0.0 ... -0.363636 0.662069 0.222222 0.636364 0.420690 0.111111 0.136364 -0.243343 0.506885 0.222721
1999-03-30 Hold 0.0 1.616191 51.7 0.327325 5.932944 2.325581 -2.078522 0.0 0.0 ... -0.363636 0.570048 0.381295 0.636364 0.405797 0.187050 0.136364 -0.241290 0.529236 0.243070
1999-05-18 Hold 0.0 0.943827 52.3 0.288551 4.601659 2.380952 6.004619 0.0 0.0 ... -0.363636 0.719424 0.383234 0.636364 0.474820 0.245509 0.136364 -0.112051 0.579674 0.285564
1999-06-30 Hike 0.0 0.943827 54.3 0.164078 5.248177 -2.325581 0.112740 0.0 0.0 ... 0.000000 0.767606 0.097561 1.000000 0.514085 0.097561 0.625000 -0.050040 0.621722 0.412215
1999-08-24 Hike 1.0 0.835000 53.6 0.251764 6.166822 0.000000 2.739726 0.0 0.0 ... -0.346154 0.773810 0.178947 0.692308 0.583333 0.178947 0.269231 -0.135226 0.548355 0.343837
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2021-06-16 Hold 0.0 1.533890 61.6 0.308928 22.314413 -3.333333 4.815864 0.0 0.0 ... 0.307692 0.666667 0.464567 0.615385 0.407407 0.330709 0.384615 0.086359 0.582206 0.374244
2021-07-28 Hold 0.0 1.533890 60.9 0.383765 13.352829 1.724138 -22.559653 0.0 0.0 ... 0.384615 0.640138 0.157895 0.461538 0.456747 0.228070 0.615385 0.167826 0.419857 0.433401
2021-09-22 Hold 0.0 1.640747 59.7 0.353173 9.952513 -3.703704 -33.783784 0.0 0.0 ... 0.461538 0.611842 0.172840 0.538462 0.414474 0.148148 0.538462 0.176087 0.441048 0.367028
2021-11-03 Hold 0.0 0.570948 60.5 0.288624 8.474656 -9.615385 -26.135217 0.0 0.0 ... 0.428571 0.651163 0.371429 0.571429 0.395349 0.085714 0.571429 -0.037468 0.531340 0.350831
2021-12-15 Hold 0.0 0.570948 60.6 0.437147 10.977142 -8.695652 -11.163337 0.0 0.0 ... 0.176471 0.706383 0.338889 0.647059 0.476596 0.250000 0.705882 -0.001460 0.564110 0.477493

219 rows × 22 columns

econ_cols = [
data_cols = econ_cols + cols

cfg = eKonf.compose("dataset=feature_build") = "fomc_tone_features"
cfg.data_dir = data_dir
cfg.data_file = "fomc_train_tones.parquet" = True
cfg.pipeline.split_sampling.stratify_on = "target"
cfg.pipeline.split_sampling.random_state = 5678
cfg.pipeline.split_sampling.test_size = 0.3
cfg.pipeline.reset_index.index_column_name = "date"
cfg.column_info.columns.index = "index" = "date"
cfg.column_info.columns.x = data_cols
cfg.column_info.columns.y = "target"
f_tones = eKonf.instantiate(cfg)
INFO:ekorpkit.base:Applying pipe: functools.partial(<function load_dataframe at 0x7f4a924ba1f0>)
INFO:ekorpkit.base:Applying pipe: functools.partial(<function reset_index at 0x7f4a921d7ca0>)
INFO:ekorpkit.base:Applying pipe: functools.partial(<function split_sampling at 0x7f4a921e43a0>)
WARNING:ekorpkit.datasets.base:File fomc_tone_features-dev.parquet not found.
cfg = eKonf.compose(config_group="dataset=feature") = "fomc_tone_features"
cfg.data_dir = data_dir
f_tones = eKonf.instantiate(cfg)
FeatureSet : fomc_tone_features

Visualize Features#

f_tones.y_train = f_tones.transform_labels(f_tones.y_train)
f_tones.y_dev = f_tones.transform_labels(f_tones.y_dev)
f_tones.y_test = f_tones.transform_labels(f_tones.y_test)
X_cols = f_tones.COLUMN.X
y_col = f_tones.COLUMN.Y
print(f_tones.classes, X_cols, y_col)
['Cut', 'Hike', 'Hold'] ['prev_decision', 'GDP_diff_prev', 'PMI', 'EMP_diff_prev', 'RSALES_diff_year', 'UNEMP_diff_prev', 'HSALES_diff_year', 'Inertia_diff', 'Balanced_diff', 'polarity_diffusion_minutes', 'polarity_diffusion_speech', 'polarity_diffusion_statement', 'finbert_diffusion_minutes', 'finbert_diffusion_speech', 'finbert_diffusion_statement', 't5_diffusion_minutes', 't5_diffusion_speech', 't5_diffusion_statement', 'lm_tones', 'finbert_tones', 't5_tones'] target
date target prev_decision GDP_diff_prev PMI EMP_diff_prev RSALES_diff_year UNEMP_diff_prev HSALES_diff_year Inertia_diff ... finbert_diffusion_minutes finbert_diffusion_speech finbert_diffusion_statement t5_diffusion_minutes t5_diffusion_speech t5_diffusion_statement lm_tones finbert_tones t5_tones split
0 2010-04-28 2 0.0 1.067962 58.8 0.139555 5.061896 1.020408 12.389381 0.0 ... 0.677083 0.117647 0.583333 0.359375 0.117647 0.333333 -0.050143 0.459355 0.270118 train
1 2008-10-29 0 -1.0 0.572295 44.8 -0.335245 -6.288802 0.000000 -36.880466 0.0 ... 0.628378 0.388889 0.791667 0.283784 0.126984 0.208333 -0.297673 0.602978 0.206367 train
2 2018-12-19 1 0.0 0.481953 58.8 0.068241 1.349789 0.000000 -15.611814 0.0 ... 0.650206 0.689394 0.444444 0.362140 0.378788 0.333333 -0.017770 0.594681 0.358087 train
3 2009-08-12 2 0.0 -0.169238 49.9 -0.259526 -7.390883 0.000000 -13.836478 0.0 ... 0.676806 0.458333 0.545455 0.334601 0.208333 0.454545 -0.117091 0.560198 0.332493 train
4 2000-11-15 2 0.0 0.099774 48.7 -0.001511 2.243324 0.000000 6.995413 0.0 ... 0.752381 0.642276 0.842105 0.466667 0.471545 0.736842 0.016816 0.745588 0.558351 train

5 rows × 24 columns

cfg = eKonf.compose(config_group="visualize/plot=rank1d")
cfg.plots[0].x = X_cols
cfg.plots[0].y = y_col
cfg.plots[0].classes = f_tones.classes
cfg = eKonf.compose(config_group="visualize/plot=rank2d")
cfg.plots[0].x = X_cols
cfg.plots[0].y = y_col
cfg.figure.figsize = (10, 8)