AutoGen AutoScraper Agent#

Web Scraping Central Bankers’ Speeches

The task involves creating a Python script to scrape the titles and URLs of speeches from the “Central Bankers’ Speeches” web pages on the Bank for International Settlements website. The script will traverse pages 1 to 10, collecting the title and URL of each speech listed, and display the gathered information on the screen.

1. Objective#

  • Navigate to the specified section of the Bank for International Settlements website.

  • Iterate through the designated pages.

  • Scrape the title and URL of each speech listed.

  • Display the collected information on the screen.

2. Specifications#

  • Website URL: Central bankers’ speeches

  • Pages to Scrape: 1 to 10

  • Data to Collect: Title and URL of each speech

  • HTML Elements:

    • Parent Div Class: cbspeeches_list

    • Title Div Class: title

  • Output Limit: No more than 100 entries

3. Technical Approach#

  • Utilize a web scraping library such as BeautifulSoup to parse HTML content.

  • Implement a loop to traverse through the pages.

  • Within each page, target the specified div classes to extract the required information.

  • Store the scraped data in a structured format.

  • Print the result to the screen.

4. Instructions for AutoGen Agent#

  • Task 1: Navigate to the URL of the “Central Bankers’ Speeches” page.

  • Task 2: Initiate a loop to iterate through pages 1 to 10.

  • Task 3: On each page, locate the table with class documentList. Within this table, find all occurrences of the div with class title.

  • Task 4: For each occurrence of the title div, extract the text as the title of the speech, and the href attribute as the URL of the speech.

  • Task 5: Store the title and URL in a structured format, like a list of dictionaries.

  • Task 6: Ensure that no more than 100 entries are collected.

  • Task 7: Print the collected data to the screen, displaying the title and URL of each speech.

This structured breakdown will serve as a clear guide for the AutoGen agent to understand and execute the web scraping task proficiently, adhering to the specified criteria and output requirements.

Example Python Code for AutoGen Agent#

You can check the example code at examples/autogen/ from the course repo for the AutoGen agent to scrape the Central Bankers’ Speeches web pages.