

GPT-4 Overview:#

GPT-4 is OpenAI’s most sophisticated system, providing safer and more practical responses. It boasts enhanced general knowledge, problem-solving skills, and creativity.

Improved Performance:#

GPT-4 demonstrates superior reasoning abilities compared to ChatGPT, scoring higher on tests like the Uniform Bar Exam and Biology Olympiad.

Safety & Alignment:#

OpenAI has invested 6 months in refining GPT-4’s safety and alignment, incorporating human feedback, expert consultations, and lessons from real-world usage of previous models.

GPT-4-assisted Safety Research:#

GPT-4’s advanced capabilities have accelerated safety work, with the model assisting in creating training data and iterating on classifiers.


GPT-4 has been used by organizations like Duolingo, Be My Eyes, Stripe, Morgan Stanley, Khan Academy, and the Government of Iceland for various innovative applications.

Research, Infrastructure & Limitations:#

GPT-4 is a milestone in scaling up deep learning, trained on Microsoft Azure AI supercomputers. OpenAI acknowledges its limitations and aims to address them while promoting transparency and AI literacy.


GPT-4 is accessible through ChatGPT Plus and an API, allowing developers to build applications and services using the model.

GPT-4 Technical Report#


  • GPT-4: large multimodal model processing image and text inputs

  • Goal: improve natural language understanding and generation

  • Performance: excels in various exams, outperforms previous models and state-of-the-art systems


Fig. 136 GPT performance on academic and professional exams#

  • MMLU benchmark: surpasses English state-of-the-art in 24 of 26 languages


Fig. 137 Performance of GPT-4 in a variety of languages compared to prior models in English on MMLU.#

  • Infrastructure challenge: predictable deep learning optimization across scales

  • Limitations: not fully reliable, limited context window, doesn’t learn from experience

  • Safety challenges: bias, disinformation, over-reliance, privacy, cybersecurity, proliferation

  • Interventions: adversarial testing, domain expert input, model-assisted safety pipeline


Fig. 138 Performance of GPT-4 on nine internal adversarially-designed factuality evaluations.#


Fig. 139 Performance of GPT-4 on TruthfulQA.#

  • Predictable scaling: accurate predictions on loss and capabilities


  • Implemented safety measures: reduced harmful content generation, but vulnerabilities remain

  • Critical need: extremely high reliability in interventions and use policies and monitoring

  • Continue learning from deployment: update models for safety and alignment

  • Key steps for language model developers:

    • Adopt layers of mitigations throughout the model system

    • Build evaluations, mitigations, and deployment with real-world usage in mind

    • Ensure safety assessments cover emergent risks

    • Plan for capability jumps “in the wild”

  • Encourage research into:

    • Economic impacts of AI and increased automation

    • Broader public participation in decisions about model behavior

    • Evaluations for risky emergent behaviors

    • Interpretability, explainability, calibration, and AI literacy

  • Need for more research in AI literacy, economic/social resilience, and anticipatory governance

  • Importance of further development in evaluation tools and technical improvements in model safety

GPT-4 System Card#

  • LLMs deployed in various domains: browsing, voice assistants, coding assistance tools

  • GPT-4: latest LLM in GPT family

  • Safety challenges: convincing but false text, illicit advice, dual-use capabilities, risky emergent behaviors

  • OpenAI safety processes: measurements, model-level changes, product/system-level interventions, external expert engagement

  • Mitigations alter GPT-4 behavior, prevent some misuses, but remain limited and brittle

  • Need for anticipatory planning and governance
