Unix Password Managers#

pass and passage - Unix Password Managers


pass is a simple yet powerful password manager for Unix-based systems that leverages the robustness and security of GnuPG (GNU Privacy Guard) to encrypt and manage passwords. passage is a fork of pass that replaces GnuPG with age (https://age-encryption.org) as its backend encryption tool. This lecture note will introduce both pass and ‘passage,’ discuss their installation and usage, provide examples to help you better understand the tools, and explain the differences between them.


Installing pass#

For Debian/Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install pass

For MacOS (with Homebrew):

brew install pass

Installing age and rage#


go get -u github.com/FiloSottile/age/cmd/age


cargo install rage

Installing ‘age-plugin-yubikey’#

cargo install age-plugin-yubikey


Initializing pass#

Create a GPG key (if you do not have one):

gpg --gen-key

Initialize pass with the key’s ID:

pass init <GPG-key-ID>

Initializing passage#

Simple Setup#

Save the key on disk:

age-keygen >> $HOME/.passage/identities

Setup with Password-Protected Key#

Use the identity file password as the primary password to unlock the store:

echo "$KEY" | age -p -a >> $HOME/.passage/identities
echo "$KEY" | age-keygen -y >> $HOME/.passage/store/.age-recipients

Setup with age-plugin-yubikey#

Requires age v1.1.0 or rage (str4d/rage), and the PIV plugin age-plugin-yubikey (str4d/age-plugin-yubikey). Add more YubiKeys or age keys to the .age-recipients file as recovery options.

bashage-plugin-yubikey # run interactive setup
age-plugin-yubikey --identity >> $HOME/.passage/identities
age-plugin-yubikey --list >> $HOME/.passage/store/.age-recipients


Adding Passwords#


pass insert <entry-name>


passage insert <entry-name>

Generating Passwords#


pass generate <entry-name> <password-length>


passage generate <entry-name> <password-length>

Retrieving Passwords#


pass show <entry-name>


passage show <entry-name>

Updating Passwords#


pass edit <entry-name>


passage edit <entry-name>

4.5. Deleting Passwords


pass rm <entry-name>


passage rm <entry-name>

Differences between pass and passage#

  • Default password store location: $HOME/.passage/store for passage and $HOME/.password-store for pass.

  • Encryption backend: passage uses age encryption, while pass uses GnuPG.

  • Decryption: passage uses Age identities at $HOME/.passage/identities with the -i age CLI option, while pass uses GPG keys.

  • Encryption: passage uses the nearest .age-recipients file with the -R age CLI option or the identities file with the -i option. pass uses GPG recipient keys.

  • Extensions: Stored in $HOME/.passage/extensions for passage and $HOME/.password-store/.extensions for pass. Extensions compatible with both tools can switch on the PASSAGE variable.

  • Init command: Not available in ‘passage,’ but present in ‘pass.’

  • Moving/Copying secrets: Always re-encrypts the secret in ‘passage,’ while pass keeps the original encryption.

Additional Features#

Integrating with fzf#

This script invokes passage with any (or no) flags and spawns a fuzzy search dialog using fzf (junegunn/fzf) for selecting the secret.

#! /usr/bin/env bash
set -eou pipefail
name="$(find "$PREFIX" -type f -name '*.age' | \
  sed -e "s|$PREFIX/||" -e 's|\.age$||' | \
  fzf --height 40% --reverse --no-multi)"
passage "${@}" "$name"

Migrating from pass to passage#

This script migrates your secrets from pass to ‘passage.’

#! /usr/bin/env bash
set -eou pipefail
cd "${PASSWORD_STORE_DIR:-$HOME/.password-store}"
while read -r -d "" passfile; do
  name="${passfile#./}"; name="${name%.gpg}"
  [[ -f "${PASSAGE_DIR:-$HOME/.passage/store}/$name.age" ]] && continue
  pass "$name" | passage insert -m "$name" || { passage rm "$name"; break; }
done < <(find . -path '*/.git' -prune -o -iname '*.gpg' -print0)


pass and passage are secure password managers for Unix-based systems, with pass using GnuPG encryption and passage using age encryption. By understanding their differences and following the examples provided, you can set up and manage your password store with either tool. The integration with fzf and the migration script from pass to passage make it easy to transition and enhance your password management experience.